Digital Strategy

From understanding your target audience to removing pain points in your customer journey, a good digital strategy can make a huge difference to how effective you are online.

Make your site work harder

You put a lot of time and effort into your website and other digital channels, so make sure that effort is worth it. Creating a digital strategy can help you predict the success of things you’re planning and measure the effectiveness of things you’ve already done.

Research your competition


By understanding the landscape your organisation operates in, you can focus on the messages that will resonate best with your potential customers. I can help you ensure the information you provide and the way you present it will engage your visitors.

Similarly, looking at competitors who offer similar services can both provide insight and teach you valuable lessons about how not to do things.

Build your audience

Your customers are out there, but some of them don’t know you exist yet. Knowing what your potential customers are searching for online is key to helping you create content that brings them to your site.

I can undertake keyword research relating to your core business and create a content strategy that will grow your audience and increase your website’s reputation in search engines.


Perfect your customer’s  experience

Even the largest companies often ask their customers to wade through confusing journeys to get what they want. 

I provide an expert eye to find pain points in your customer experience and provide recommendations to streamline and improve. This can greatly improve your site’s performance (and your customer’s mood!).

Analyse and improve


Analytics software collects a wealth of information about your site – but do you know how to use it to turn visitors into paying customers?

Whether you need answers to specific burning questions or want regular reports on your top performing metrics, I can help you turn the mountain of data your site collects into useful insights you can use.

Deploy your digital strategy


Put your digital strategy into action with engaging content that resonates with your audience and brings new visitors to your site.

AQIVA content

Make your website shine with professional images, iconography, video, animation and well-written copy.  I can provide invaluable content creation whether you’re supporting a wider marketing campaigns or building an audience organically. 

Web Design

Use the insights you’ve learned to improve your existing site or build a brand new one that’s more effective and works harder for you.

Mitsubishi Motors UK website

There isn’t a website out there that doesn’t have room to grow, and whether you want to start from scratch or improve your current site, I can help you make it more cost effective and better aligned to the core goals of your organisation.